
Tuesday, June 13, 2006


My laundry list of getting kicked out of bars continues to roll on! This might have been the most absurd one yet though. I'm enjoying the 3rd set of the MAX all by myself after Avril and R Wall ditched me like a thief in the night and the bouncer comes over quietly and says "Ah sir it looks like you've had a bit too much tonight I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" What..? R U kidding me? Of course I'm thinking this to myself instead of barking at the Man for fear of ending up on the concrete floor in addison again. But seriously! I'm being serious, what has happened at Sherlocks recently that has the brass paranoid as hell! When you go up to the bar you can't order more than 2 drinks. If your eyes are glazed they cut you off. If you're having a good time they kick you out. Jesus, we use to dance on the tables at Sherlocks with reckless abandon and never heard a word. Now the constable is on alert when you walk in the joint and you don't stand a chance of having a good time inside anymore. What a shame for Sherlocks that all my funds will be redirected to KNOX ST PUB! At least there they won't throw me out and they actually change procedure due to my drunken stooopers. In lieu of not wanting any more broken glasses all over the Knox dance floor they have gone to plastic cups for your Cocktails N Dreams! Ah yes LOOPS MVP has influence on the Legendary Knox Pub!!!

Top 5 LoopsMvp Ejections

1. New Years Eve 2005- Sherlocks, Pop Balloon in chics face, Concrete Floor in Addion!
2. Bourbon St Circus- Scottsdale, staring at bouncer while checking my ID. Didn't say a word
to the guy but he asked me to leave anyway!
3. Dukes- Dancing on chair, shooving bouncer #1, getting cheap shot tackle from behind by
bouncer #2, Cell phone never left my hand...! Classic!
4. Knox Pub- Making myself leave at 11pm after dropping 3rd glass on floor. Was the Jager
chess game really necessary Ron?
5. Have A Nice Day Cafe- Tempe AZ 2002. LoopsMvp wasn't actually the culpret here but I
must list this crew ejection as it was a classic story. My Buddy Johnny Tokarz gets asked to
leave because he's standing in front of the speakers that are in front of the dance floor. He's
not drunk, being an Ass, or being disorderly. Johnny tells the bouncer no I'm not leaving, next
thing we know there are 5 bouncers throwing him out on the patio. Wasting no time THE
LOOP-(Catman, Jr, C.C, Sully & Shaw B) proceed to pull all 5 bouncers off of Johnny and
declare BULLSHIT! And you think reality T.V is great? Come party with the LOOP once
and I'll show you some REALITY!

Tah Tah


At 9:29 AM, Blogger C.C. McC said...

Honorable mention ejection: Martini Ranch after that crazy Kyoto night with Hochreiter...we all took a booting by proxy because he was so lit he never made it in through the door!

At 9:44 AM, Blogger CaptSmakk said...

Classic! I'm sure the list will continue to grow this summer.

My best has been being tossed down a flight of stairs with Dre at the Oasis strip club in Austin after getting into a brawl in the manager's office over my $850 bar tab. And did I mention it was only 5pm?


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