
Monday, August 14, 2006

Weekend Wrap

Hey Hey we have a winner! Made it through 3 sets of the MAX Friday night without getting kicked out! What a miracle considering the bright white shirt I was wearing! Ray Charles could of spotted my drunkenness.... Spent the night on a pool side lounge chair over at Ron's til about 5am. Carrot and I had a nice little wrestling match at the back door for about 30 seconds.... Jesus, had to move to the Saturn after neck stiffened up.... Doors to club 6850 finally opened up at 6:45am and I was able to get a nice 10 minute nap on a regular matress.... Going to have to consult club owner on where spare key is hidden.... I know he must have a few scattered around for fear of pulling another Bruce Lee on the door! With a comfy nights rest under my belt it was off to golf at 7:30am! Man I felt great! Stiff neck, no shower, and gooo boogers running from my eyes! Stroll into snack bar and order a bacon and egg sammy with a gatorade chaser... 9 miller lights requested for first 9 and the lady only gave us 6. WTF! In a full blown haze I somehow was playing remarkably well considering my normal round is a 120 at best... Shot of the day came on par 3 16th.... Ron had already nailed a drive within 2.5 fee of cup and I was on my second shot about 40 yards to the left of the pin... I proceed to take a nice little quarter 7 iron and one hop the fricking ball into the CUP! Boom Shaka Laka! No pressure on Ron's birdie put as he slides it by giving me a 3 shot lead with 2 to play.... Ah I should sleep this good more often... I'm naming 16 "Birdie Heaven" since we have had 2 Birdie chips in the past month...
Went on to shoot a 102, my best by far in my hideous golf career... I'm sure I'll be getting an invite for a rematch this week and things will get back to normal with the 120 spot... Just call me Phil for now....



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